Taking streaming to another level.

Published by: Richi Serrés

The word “streaming”, increasingly more popular, translates as transmission in Spanish. To stream is to get information, a message, to someone. But a streamer should be more than a biased and simplistic form of transmission.

A streamer should dream of being a communicator of content in digital format. A COMMUNICATOR in capital letters.

We must consider that we communicate with words, but we also communicate with our body, our smile, our gesture, our voice, our silence, our energy, our emotions… in short, everything in us communicates.

Throughout different articles, in this interesting blog, we will explain the impact that each of the key components of the communicative magic generates in our communication. In this way, we will know how to improve our interpersonal intelligence, our communication.

An emotion cannot be transmitted, it must be communicated! This is why Emogg makes sense to be able to share these emotions with our viewers during the streaming.

Emotions communicate, they are contagious, and they connect with our audience.

Emogg allows streamers to communicate these emotions in a fun and original way, taking the streaming to another level.

Streaming is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire adapted from William Butler Yeats’s concept of education, which was an Irish poet and playwright (1865-1939).

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Body and Emotions

Emotions are closely associated with the body, because each one...