Privacy policy

This section of the Privacy Policy aims to inform users and/or clients about the collection and processing of personal data provided by the users when they access, navigate or make use of the functionalities of the portal

The applicable data protection regulations are those contained in the Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter LOPD) [Ley Orgánica 3/2018, de 5 de diciembre de Protección de Datos Personales], in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 [Reglamento (UE) 2016/679 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de abril de 2016]on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data (hereinafter RGPD), and other application.

Data controller

Company Name: EMOGG DET3, S.L. (hereinafter EMOGG).

Registered Address: Carretera de Sant Cugat 63, escalera A, piso 2, despacho 6, 08191 Rubí (Barcelona).

N.I.F. B-01717032.

Registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, in volume 47465, book 0, page 37, section 8ª, sheet B-552619, inscription 1 [Registro Mercantil de Barcelona, al tomo 47465, libro 0, folio 37, sección 8ª, hoja B-552619, inscripción 1ª].

Contact telephone: +34 935889294

Data collection mechanism

EMOGG collects information from Users and/or Clients when they use the features that require the provision of certain personal data, mainly, and among others, like the completion of the form(s) needed to give registration as a User, as well as acquiring the status of Customer.

The complete filling in of the data required in the different forms, contracts and/or functionality enabled in the Portal is voluntary. However, some fields are necessary to be able to fulfil the specific purpose of the form, contract and/or functionality, so that the refusal of the User and/or Customer to provide the information required in the obligatory fields will prevent EMOGG from attending to your request.

Purposes for which the data will be used

The personal data provided by the User on the various forms and/or the functionalities enabled in the Portal will be treated in a general way in order to: 

a)  Identify the User.

b) Provide the information requested by the User.

c) To deal with queries, orders or requests.

The personal data provided by the Customer through the different forms, contracts and/or the functionalities enabled in the Portal will be treated in a general way in order to:

a) Identify the Customer.

b) Provide the information requested by the Customer.

c) Provide any of the Services offered to Customers at any time by the Portal.

d) Allow you to be the recipient of some of the services and/or functionalities available in the Portal, as well as any other purpose to which the forms and/or features available at any time through the Portal, as well as in the contract, as the case, signed.

In addition, in cases where Users and/or Customers have subscribed to our newsletter, your personal data will be processed for the purpose of sending you throughout any via, including electronic media (email, SMS, etc), commercial communications on our products and services, as well as information about our activities, including relevant news about EMOGG and information about events we organize, we sponsor or otherwise involve EMOGG or its staff. Acceptance for the sending of commercial information is always revocable, without effect in accordance with the provisions of article 22.2. of the LSSI (Ley de Servicios de Information Society).

Legitimisation of the process

In the case of Users, the legal basis of the processing shall be the consent granted by accepting this Privacy Policy and the corresponding boxes.

In the case of Customers, the legal basis for processing will be the execution of the contract signed between Customer and EMOGG.

Data conservation

In the case of Users, personal data will be kept until the deletion by the User. Notwithstanding the preceding sentence, the data may be blocked by EMOGG to meet the potential liabilities arising from the treatment and only during the limitation period for such liabilities. After this period, for which will take as its reference date that of the request for deletion of data made by the User, personal data will be deleted by EMOGG.

In the case of Clients, personal data will be kept for as long as the contractual relationship and, in any case, until the legal deadline for requiring responsibilities arising from the contractual relationship and other legal obligations.


EMOGG shall not assign or transfer, or in any other way transmit, the data, except for legal obligation and without prejudice to the possibility of acting through data processors where this is necessary for the performance of any of the services contracted.

In the event that any type of transfer of personal data is to be carried out, the User and/or Customer will be previously asked for their consent, which must be express, informed and unambiguous.

Rights of the interested party and procedures of execution

The User and/or Customer may exercise, at any time, the following rights: 

a) Right to request access to their personal data: Any person, whether or not they are a User and/or Customer, under the terms of article 13 LOPD and article 15 RGPD, has the right to know if your data is being processed by EMOGG.

b) Right to request rectification of data: the User and/or Customer, under the terms of the article 14 LOPD and article 16 RGPD, has the right to obtain the rectification of inaccurate personal data from the person responsible for processing.

c) Right of deletion: the User and/or Customer, in accordance with the terms of article 15 LOPD and Article 17 RGPD, has the right to obtain the deletion without undue delay of your personal data from the controller.

d) The User and/or Customer has the right to request the limitation of their processing, under the terms of the article 16 LOPD and article 18 RGPD, has the right to obtain the limitation of data processing  from the person responsible for the processing.

e) Right to the portability of data: the User and/or Customer, under the terms of Article 17.

LOPD and article 20 RGPD, has the right to receive personal data concerning themselves, which has been provided to a controller, in a structured format, commonly used and read, and to transmit them to another controller without being prevented by the responsible for providing them to in the first place.

f) Right to object to processing: the User and/or Customer, under the terms of Article 18 LOPD and article 21 RGPD, has the right to oppose, at any time, for personal data concerning him are processed.

g) Right to withdraw the consent given: the User and/or Customer has the right to withdraw the consent to the processing of your personal data at any time.

For the above purposes, the following channels may be used, always accompanied by photocopy of the passport or any other document that can prove your identity:

By letter to the address: Carretera de Sant Cugat 63, escalera A, piso 2, despacho 6, 08191 Rubí (Barcelona).

By e-mail to:

Cookie policy

This Portal uses cookies. Any person who is going to use the Portal has the option to disable the operation of cookies by selecting the corresponding option in your browser program. For more information, you can consult our Policy of Cookies.

Updates and changes in the privacy policy

EMOGG reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. When such changes occur, Users and/or Clients will be informed either by notices on the Portal, either by e-mail or by any other appropriate procedure according to the circumstances.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

For the resolution of all disputes or questions related to this policy Spanish legislation will be applicable, to which the following are expressly subject parties, being competent for the resolution of all disputes arising out of or in connection with its use the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona.

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